M is for Mummy by Katy Cox

I read a thing and wrote my thoughts. It was like sitting down for a chat with a pal. https://www.readersfirst.co.uk/books/m-is-for-mummy/reviews/like-a-down-to-earth-chat-with-a-pal Book review for http://www.readersfirst.co.uk https://www.amazon.co.uk/M-Mummy-Katy-Cox/dp/1838953132/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3A01F7RE8K9QB&keywords=m+is+for+mummy&qid=1652122954&sprefix=m+is+for+mummy%2Caps%2C58&sr=8-1

Feeling like an Infertility Fraud

I was the woman you hear about; you know the one, your hairdressers' best friend’s cousin, who had struggled for years to get pregnant but it magically happened as soon as she stopped trying. It was totally because she relaxed, she wasn’t consumed with every cycle; as a couple they had sex more and just … Continue reading Feeling like an Infertility Fraud

We got pregnant: our road from infertility to pregnancy

I have always known that I have fertility issues. Being told at 17 that I would, more than likely, struggle to conceive, felt weird to me at the time. I never paused for thought when I was told. I was offered further investigations to confirm but at 17 I had spent enough time having tests … Continue reading We got pregnant: our road from infertility to pregnancy

Daisy Jones & The Six

by Taylor Jenkins Reid This brilliant book is ridiculously cool. Being a New York Times bestseller is always a good start. It had me dreaming of long hair, bare feet and dancing, whilst singing Tiny Dancer. Whenever I have been to see live music there has been that one girl singing and dancing with a tambourine or Cabasa, that everybody can't take … Continue reading Daisy Jones & The Six